While the world believes that Steve Rogers is dead, Captain America lives on! In this Omnibus collection of Marvel classics by Stan Lee, Gene Colan and John Romita Sr., Cap embarks upon some of his all-time greatest adventures! A body-swapping encounter with the Red Skull and his Cosmic Cube leads to the first appearance of the Falcon; M.O.D.O.K. returns with a vengeance - and a secret weapon; Cap sets out on a road trip to explore his and his country's soul; Bucky Barnes returns; Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. enlist Cap in their battle against Hydra; Spider-Man and the Hulk face off against the star-spangled Avenger; and so much more! Every amazing story, every classic cover, every letters page is painstakingly restored and presented in this must-have oversized extravaganza! COLLECTING: CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) 114-148
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Language: English Hardcover: 824 pages Publisher: marvel (2016) ISBN-10: 0785199276 ISBN-13: 9780785199274 Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels Size: 19.3 cm x 28.2 cm Shipping Weight: 480 grams Condition: New
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