Everything you need to know about the DSM-5™ in anorganized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed onrecent changes to the two main classification systems—DSM-5Essentials highlights these changes in a logical and systematicmanner so that you can easily make the transition from DSM-IV toDSM-5. Author Lourie Reichenberg offers health care providers,instructors, clinicians in practice settings, and office staff whodo coding for insurance reimbursement the information they need todo their jobs smoothly and efficiently with coverage of: - The twenty classifications of disorders
- Emerging measures and models
- The future of diagnosis and treatment planning
- Matching clients' needs with the best evidence-basedtreatment
- Major changes to the DSM-5 such as the replacement of themultiaxial system, the developmental and lifespan approach, andcultural and gender considerations
Arranged in the same sequence as the DSM-5, DSM-5 Essentialscovers what has changed from the DSM-IV, what these changes meanfor diagnosis, and the implication of these changes on theselection of effective, evidence-based treatment. |